Moderate Income Management Company, Inc. specializes in the management and consulting for government assisted housing. Founded in 1974, MIMC is a well-established firm with the experience and staff to provide management services to any project which receives government assistance.

Our portfolio of properties is diverse in both size and composition. We have experience with a broad range of federal, state and local programs. These include Section 8, Section 202, the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, HOME , RAD along with many others. We can also provide compliance services to owners who provide affordable units within multi-family housing and we have experience as Administrative Agent for Municipalities under the COAH rules in New Jersey.  We work closely with HUD, state housing finance agencies as well as county and local governments as part of the services we provide

Moderate Income Management Company, Inc. has received the Accredited Management Organization® (AMO) designation from the Institute of Real Estate Management and the SHCM Company designation from the National Affordable Housing Management Association.

Specialized Services

Moderate Income Management Company has experience working in a number of specialized areas. We are quite pleased to work extensively in the senior housing area and have a great deal of experience working with projects which include special needs components social service models. Since our early days, have worked with the non-profit community to assist in their mission and help sustain their communities. Some of our oldest and most successful clients are from the non-profit sphere.